In these hard times just about everyone is trying to budget their money. Just because you are trying to budget wisely it doesn't mean you have to cut out eating out all together. One thing you can do if you eat out a lot is try to hold of until you are only going out once a week, then twice a month, etc. After that you can work it down to where you are only eating out on special occasions which can save you so much money.
When you are out for dinner something you can do to save money is try to order the specials. These are offered daily and some restaurants offer buy one get one deals.
Something else you can do is request that you split a large entree between two people since most restaurants entree's are so large. Restaurants will normally do this for free, or they will do it for a small charge of a dollar or two. Either way it saves you a lot of money.
You can also bring home left overs and use them for, lets say, lunch the next day.
Saturday, November 21
Tuesday, November 17
Don't Stress Over Holiday Shopping
So I was thinking about how I still have so much holiday shopping today and I started to stress. Then I checked my email and BAM - an email with tips to avoid that shopping stress. No doubt that was the first email I opened. I followed the link and thought I would share these tips with everyone. At the end of the post I will post the link that I found the tips at since I probably won't list all of them, just the ones I like.
- Shop in the AM - First, the stores are less crowded. Second, the stores are more organized in the morning because not many people have been picking through things. Third, decreases your changes of impulse shopping since you are more awake and aware.
- Shop EARLY - I mean super early, like after Christmas sales early. You can start your shopping then which will not only save you money but you won't be running around like a chicken with their head cut off at the last minute.
- Buy in large numbers - If you have a lot of people to buy for this comes in handy. It does get hard to know what people want as gifts and it makes you stress even more. You can find something that would easily work for most people, such as gift cards, so they can get what they really want. I prefer to give and receive gift cards myself.
- Shop ALONE - This can save you time and money. You are not held back by someone doing their own shopping and you can have a list with you of what you want to get. It will decrease your chance of impulse shopping.
- Get more for your money - If you are an online shopper you can use promotional codes at check out to receive discounts. You can use coupons you get in your email. You can also use coupons in magazines and such if you aren't an online shopper. Find the deals people!! Even when shopping online find a store that offers free shipping when you purchase so much. It can save you money since shipping can be very costly.
- Budget - Budget how much money you have for shopping and use it. When you find out how much money you have you can figure out what gifts you can get. Once the money is gone you are done. This helps decrease impulse buying. For this you can go to a bank and set up a Christmas Club account and put an amount of money in whenever you have it and then usually in October you get this money back and then you can get your presents then.
- Be GREEN - I know a lot of people who are going green because they care about the environment and some care about the money in their wallets. Why spend so much money on wrapping paper and bows when you can use something you already have. I'm talking about those brown bags from the store, your old newspaper that you were going through away, etc. It makes your gift stand out and why not? I mean you were going to throw it out anyway, why not save money and have unique wrapping paper!
Friday, November 13
Kids off the couch....
Looking for a way to get your kids, and even you, off the couch? Well Christmas is coming up and layaway is always an option for some...but what I am going to suggest is getting your family a Wii. This is a great gaming system, the best I have seen. Your children will play what you buy them, especially with the Wii since the games are high energy. Now why wouldn't you guy your kids a Wii as opposed to other gaming systems? Active gaming burns more than 400 times the calories than a plain sitting point and shoot game. Plus it is something that the whole family can enjoy together!
My brother has a Wii at his dad's house and he was able to bring it to our mom's house one weekend and we all fell in love with it and the fun we have. My mom and his dad put one on Layaway at Sears so that my brother could have one at our mom's house (and so we can all play it together).
Tuesday, November 10
Exploring Textures
Children learn by using their senses. One of their senses is touch. This is one of my favorite senses to work with since there are so many textures and activities go along with them. I love this activity myself and my daughter loves it to. You can find all of these things around your house (normally) and it is very easy. First things first, what you will need ( just basics, you can do more if you wish), some aluminum foil, a baggy, a little water, a wash cloth, and some tape ( I prefer masking tape but it is all a personal preference). What you will do is you will tape down a square of aluminum foil to your floor. Then you will put about a teaspoon of water in the baggy and tape that down to the floor. As I'm sure you can figure out, the next thing to do is tape down the wash cloth. Now your little one can crawl around, walk on, or hit these with a wooden spoon. It is so much fun to play with them during this activity. I do recommend getting the wooden spoon out though. We all know kids love to hit things and a wooden spoon is safer plus it also stimulates another sense, sound and even sight as they watch what happens when they hit the things.
Now go try it out!!! It is a great activity that is full of fun!
After Nap Activity
Some toddlers wake up grumpy from their naps and it is hard to deal with sometimes. I seriously just found this and I wish I would have found it sooner. I can't wait to try it with my daughter tomorrow. So for this activity all you need for this is your imagination and your child's toys. While your child is laying down and taking a nap take they toys and line them up or put them in a circle on the floor or your couch, anywhere! When your child wakes up let them find the line of toys. You will see them light up like a light bulb. They will be thinking that something is going on and they will want to find out what it is. Then it is play time! I know it is simple but man its going to make things easier on the rough days, lol.
If anyone tries this please leave a comment and let me know how it goes for you. I am interested to see how it goes with everyone who tries it.
Tantrums....Oh No!!
Most parents dread the terrible two's (and as you will find out, three's), but honestly if you go into it know what you want to achieve then it really won't be to difficult. One day your little precious child will do a total 180 and be a little demon seed, but have no fear, because you are prepared. This is something you should sit down with your significant other or your children's father and talk about before you hit this stage. It will make it much easier since you will be a united front that is ready to conquer this battle. I have seen the effects of both ways this can go and I personally have found a favorite. I have seen first hand a parent give their child whatever they want as soon as a tantrum hits. It ends in a bad result as a child who does not listen to or obey you. It is sad really. Now the other way it can go is when that tantrum hits stand your ground. If they are throwing a tantrum over having corn with dinner instead of green beans stand your ground and put the corn on their plate. Then stand by what you have decided and do it with confidence. Your child will see that you will not give in and they will go sit at the table and eat their dinner. If they are throwing a fit in the grocery store because you aren't buying the cereal that they want that is loaded with unnecessary sugars stand your ground. Sure there will be some people who are offended that you will let your child throw a fit in the middle of the store but then there are the rest of the people who are parents and know exactly what is going on and are proud of you. You have to remember that you are the boss, you guide your children through life and teach them what they need to know to be successful. You cannot just hand your children whatever they want, as they will think that will happen all through life. Then they will be in for a rude awakening when they figure out life isn't that easy.
When a tantrum hits just remember to make up your mind on how you will handle it and then stick to it with confidence. Your child will learn rather fast that you are not going to give in and when they do it is smooth sailing from there.
Disciplining Toddlers
Now this can be confusing to many first time parents. What is the right way to discipline my toddler? Are your discipline styles appropriate? Honestly it is all a personal choice, as it will always be. There are many different approaches to take but it all depends on your beliefs. You do need to remember you toddler wants and needs to know who is the boss.
It is rather confusing when you don't know what you can and can't do, but when you don't know what the difference between right and wrong then it is even more confusing. You can't let your kids just do whatever they feel like doing as it could get them into trouble later on in their lives and make it more difficult when it comes to raising them.
Also, one thing is you shouldn't let your own personal pet peeves be implemented into your discipline style. One example is if your child is clicking their tongue. When they are toddlers they are doing it because they have learned how to do it and think that it is so cool. You can't punish them for doing something that irritates you that they learn from. They are learning better control over their tongue and the noises that it can make. They will think that it is wrong to click their tongue when all it is doing is irritating you. Basically unless they are doing something wrong then don't discipline them.
There are instances where you will want to teach them though that what is right is something that they should be doing voluntarily and not being forced into, such as sharing. It is my own personal view that we should not make children share but teach them that they should want to share. You can teach them that sharing is nice and that more kids will want to play with you as opposed to not sharing. It not only teaches them to be nice and to share but it implements values that can help them later in life.
Remember, whatever style of discipline you decide to take that you need to be strong in your decision. It isn't easy to discipline a child but it is much easier than the repercussions of the fact that they learn what works to get what they want. You need to be consistent and strong to be successful.
Friday, November 6
Jello Finger Paints
Now this one isn't my favorite but I have not tried it out yet so I will have to give a better review after I try it.
What you need for this on is a package of any flavored jello and boiling water. You will mix them together until you get it to a goo consistency that is good for finger painting. You can use any materials that you would normally use to finger paint on.
It seems that kids would love the feel and the smells from this finger paint so try it out and let me know how it goes, that is if I don't do it before you do.
Kool-Aid Finger Paint
Here is another alternative to the expensive finger paints that you buy in the store that you cannot be 100% sure that they are non-toxic.
What you will need is 2 cups of flour, 2 packs of unsweetened Kool-Aid, 1/2 cup of salt, 3 cups of boiling water, and 3 tablespoons of oil. You will simply mix the dry into the wet and then when you are done you will have your own homemade finger paint.
It is very simple and not as costly as the stuff you buy in the store because most people usually have some of these ingredients, if not all of them.
I hope you and your children have some fun with this! Also if your children always want to help you in the kitchen they can always help you mix this all up, just be careful of the boiling water!
Pudding Finger Paints
I know we all worry about our kids eating their finger paints and whether they are truly as non-toxic as they say there are. There are many easy solutions for this but I will share one of them right now.
You can make finger paints from pudding. It can even be sugar free if you don't want your kids eating a lot of sugar(like me) or if your child is diabetic.
All you need for this is some instant vanilla pudding and food coloring. I'm sure you can guess what you do with it because it is all very simple. You mix the food coloring into your pudding (follow the directions on the box to make it) and ta-da, you have an edible finger paint that you know is safe if your child eats it.
You can paint onto disposable paper plates so that you don't have a horrible mess to clean up!
I hope you and your children can now enjoy finger painting for a cheaper cost and with a lot less worry!
Keep them in your thoughts...
Yesterday and today we, as a country, have had a horrible tragedy.
Yesterday, there was the shooting at Ft. Hood. A man named Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, killed 13 people and has wounded 30 more. He is currently in a coma, and personally I hope he makes it through. I want him to make it through so he can go through our justice system and have to live knowing what he has done. It would simply be to easy for him to die. I would like to thank Kimberly Munley, a civilian police officer. Due to her quick actions she stopped Hasan by shooting him four times. She was wounded during this but from what I have read and seen on CNN she is being treated and is doing well. My thanks go to her, who knows how bad it could have been if she didn't respond in the three minutes that she did. She is certainly making her family proud and I'm sure her 3 year old daughter will look up to her for her bravery.
Today, there was a shooting in Orlando. A man named Jason Rodriguez went into the Gateway Center building and went to his former employers office and killed one person and injured 5. After doing so he ran like a coward to his mother's house. Now from what I have heard is that he was let go in 2007 from this former employee for poor work performance. I also heard that he has since filed for bankruptcy. This man is a coward. I hope he gets the justice he deserves from our court system and receives the maximum sentence.
Now with all of this being said I just want to say that my thoughts go out to all the victims and their families. They will all be in my heart throughout these hard times.
Friday, October 9
Just a little post...
So one of my best friends gave birth to her first child yesterday morning. Her husband and I were there to help her through her labor and delivery and trying to keep her relaxed so her bp didn't go up to high. I feel so honored that she wanted me to be there with her through that. I was there to see a beautiful little girl brought into this world and it was just amazing. I was never able to give birth vaginally and barely remember my emergency c-section because I was so out of it so to be able to experience this with my friend just means so much and I feel so honored.
I just want to add a little note. Remember to cherish the small things in life now, because someday you will realize how big they truly were.
Tuesday, October 6
Sibling Jealousy
Jealousy among children is to be expected. Even though these children love each other they also become envious of the attention the other one gets or over something that the other child gets to do but they cannot or are not allowed. While we can't prevent this 100% we can help siblings cope with these things and make jealousy something that is rare. The following is a list of things you can do to help prevent jealousy among siblings.
- Explain to an older child(ren) that your baby or toddler needs a lot of help from its family members. Explain that they can not use the bathroom, eat, talk, or even get a toy that they want by themselves unlike the older child(ren) can.
- Make sure that your older child(ren) get lots of hugs and that they can have a chance to talk about what and how they feel.
- Spend regular time alone with your older child(ren). They are less likely to get jealous of the extra attention your smaller children if they can have some time with you that they know is there. They need to know that that time is a dependable/reliable time that is set aside for them.
- Explain to your child that when the younger one wants a toy that they are playing with that they are trying to copy the older child. They learn from mocking what other people do. At this point you can also teach your children to share and what a good feeling experience that can be for them.
- Make sure that you explain and emphasize the fact that everyone gets turns. Your older child may be going to an event that the younger child can not attend. You can explain that your younger child will have their turn to have that opportunity.
I hope these can help avoid childhood jealousy and if I can think of or find any more tips on this I will make sure that I post them here!
Thanks for reading
Wanted to share...
I have just found this site and some of the t-shirts on here are absolutely hilarious. I thought that everyone could use a laugh every now and then (or maybe even a Christmas idea for those who enjoy humorous
I'm back!!!
I am so sorry I have left any readers for over a month now. :(. I wanted to let you guys know that I am back to continue with my blogging. Between my internet crapping out on me, school, and my daughter I have just been far to busy or unable to get on here. But I am back. I should hopefully be posting like a mad woman to make up for what you have missed.
Thank you to anyone who is reading this. I really do appreciate it and I hope you appreciate what I write.
Thursday, August 27
Homemade Edible Peanut Butter Play Doh!
This recipe isn't right for everyone, for instance for children who cannot have honey or peanut butter. This is very easy to make & much cheaper then buying play doh, whice you have to keep a close eye on your kids so they don't eat it.
For this you will need 1 c. of peanut butter, 1/2 c. of honey, and 1 & 1/2 c. of powdered milk. The next steps are very easy, mix all ingredients together and then form into balls. That's it. Now tell me that isn't easy enough for you to do so your child(ren) can have some fun, and you won't have to worry about them eating it.
This also can be used as a great 'candy' when you use peanut butter and powdered sugar.
For this you will need 1 c. of peanut butter, 1/2 c. of honey, and 1 & 1/2 c. of powdered milk. The next steps are very easy, mix all ingredients together and then form into balls. That's it. Now tell me that isn't easy enough for you to do so your child(ren) can have some fun, and you won't have to worry about them eating it.
This also can be used as a great 'candy' when you use peanut butter and powdered sugar.
Homemade Glitter!
Art supplies don't have to be so expensive. My next few post will be a series of how to save money on art supplies for home by making them yourselves.
To make Homemade Glitter all you need is some liquid food coloring and a 1/2 c of table salt. You will use 5-6 drops of food coloring, you will mix it into the salt. Then you will cook it in the microwave for 1-2 minutes. After it is done in the microwave you will need to spread it out over wax paper and let it air dry. After it is dry put it in an airtight container for storage.
See, very simple and a super easy way to save money for your little artist. Plus this way you can make sure if they end up eating some of it that you will know that it is 100% non-toxic.
To make Homemade Glitter all you need is some liquid food coloring and a 1/2 c of table salt. You will use 5-6 drops of food coloring, you will mix it into the salt. Then you will cook it in the microwave for 1-2 minutes. After it is done in the microwave you will need to spread it out over wax paper and let it air dry. After it is dry put it in an airtight container for storage.
See, very simple and a super easy way to save money for your little artist. Plus this way you can make sure if they end up eating some of it that you will know that it is 100% non-toxic.
Thursday, August 20
Homemade Butter in 5 Minutes!
No need to spend hours churning butter to have wonderful tasting homemade butter. Plus it is healthier than the kind you buy in stores.
All you need to make this butter is 16 oz of heavy cream(chilled), 1/2 tsp of salt, and a mixer(preferably a standing mixer but a hand mixer will work, the standing ones are just easier since you don't have to hold it).
Put the ingredients in your mixer and turn the mixer on to high. You will be going a step past whipped cream, the process will take about 3 minutes. It will then deflate and start to look like scrambled eggs. You will keep beating for a few more seconds and you will notice water start to separate from the butter(this is actually buttermilk and can be saved for later use if you want it).
Once the buttermilk has formed stop mixing. Remove the bowl from the mixer and fill the bowl with cold, running water. With your hands, squeeze the butter to form a ball. Keep massaging the ball under the cold water until the water runs clear. This insures that all the buttermilk has been removed, that way the butter will stay fresh longer.
Once your water runs clear wrap in parchment paper, or put into a small serving dish and cover it up. Then put it in the fridge. This is great tasting butter and it is fast to make. I highly recommend this butter!
All you need to make this butter is 16 oz of heavy cream(chilled), 1/2 tsp of salt, and a mixer(preferably a standing mixer but a hand mixer will work, the standing ones are just easier since you don't have to hold it).
Put the ingredients in your mixer and turn the mixer on to high. You will be going a step past whipped cream, the process will take about 3 minutes. It will then deflate and start to look like scrambled eggs. You will keep beating for a few more seconds and you will notice water start to separate from the butter(this is actually buttermilk and can be saved for later use if you want it).
Once the buttermilk has formed stop mixing. Remove the bowl from the mixer and fill the bowl with cold, running water. With your hands, squeeze the butter to form a ball. Keep massaging the ball under the cold water until the water runs clear. This insures that all the buttermilk has been removed, that way the butter will stay fresh longer.
Once your water runs clear wrap in parchment paper, or put into a small serving dish and cover it up. Then put it in the fridge. This is great tasting butter and it is fast to make. I highly recommend this butter!
Wednesday, August 19
Homemade Baby Wipes
Baby wipes can get expensive BUT you can make your own. You can even keep some of these in your car for sticky fingers.
To make homemade wipes you will need a roll of sturdy paper towels, baby oil, baby wash, and a deep Tupperware container. First you will need to cut the roll of paper towels in half. Then fill the Tupperware container half way with the baby oil and baby wash(make sure you don't put to much of either in, half of each should do). Then place the paper towels on top of the mixture and put the lid on the Tupperware container. Lastly, you will turn the Tupperware container over so it is upside-down so the mixture can soak down into the paper towels.
Tada!!! You have homemade paper towels.
To make homemade wipes you will need a roll of sturdy paper towels, baby oil, baby wash, and a deep Tupperware container. First you will need to cut the roll of paper towels in half. Then fill the Tupperware container half way with the baby oil and baby wash(make sure you don't put to much of either in, half of each should do). Then place the paper towels on top of the mixture and put the lid on the Tupperware container. Lastly, you will turn the Tupperware container over so it is upside-down so the mixture can soak down into the paper towels.
Tada!!! You have homemade paper towels.
Sunday, August 16
Walking Through The Jungle - With Your Toddler!
This is a great activity for you to play with your child. You pretend to walk real low like in a jungle and mime the animal you are giving a hint for. It is very easy for you to come up with additional rhymes for this.
Walking through the jungle,
What did I see?
A big lion roaring
At me, me, me!
Walking through the jungle,
What did I see?
A baby monkey laughing
At me, me, me!
Walking through the jungle,
What did I see?
A slippery snake hissing
At me, me, me!
Walking through the jungle,
What did I see?
A big lion roaring
At me, me, me!
Walking through the jungle,
What did I see?
A baby monkey laughing
At me, me, me!
Walking through the jungle,
What did I see?
A slippery snake hissing
At me, me, me!
Cleaning Up The Walls From Your Little Artist!
It is bound to happen eventually. Your little one will color all over the walls like it is their personal coloring book. After you have tried the obvious cleaners here are a few other things you can do to try to get it off of your walls.
- Spray hair spray on the ink/pencil/crayon marks and wipe with a damp sponge.
- Spray WD40 on a paper towel and rub gently on the marks. Do not spray directly onto the walls.
- Rub the marks with a damp sponge with baking soda in a circular motions.
- Nail polish remover on a cotton swab/ball. Do not try this as a first resort as it has been known that with some paints it will fade or come off with the marks.
Saturday, August 15
Remember When...
When you are having a hard day, when you can get just a few minutes to yourself go on to YouTube. Then when you are on there go and find a song you use to love back when you were a teenager or before you had kids. Just sit and listen to it, you can dance around to it if you want. But it is a way to cheer you up and boost your energy a little bit.
I know it's a small tip but the small ones can go a long way when you feel you are just about to snap.
I know it's a small tip but the small ones can go a long way when you feel you are just about to snap.
Thursday, August 13
Don't Overreact Before You Know How Bad It Is!
Sorry I have been missing for almost a week but I've thrown myself into studying lately when I have free time.
Well today my daughter fell when she was trying to walk and her head barely grazed the coffee table(not enough for it to hurt), but do to me screaming as she did so it scared her and made the whole situation worse on both of us than it needed to be. Now it is alright to show concern when your little one falls but don't put on to big of a worry face because it will make them overreact to the situation when they aren't hurt at all.
I know it's not much but it will teach your little one's that it is ok to fall and that it doesn't always hurt. Now if they are truly hurt or it truly scared them and they are crying by no means don't hold back. Comfort them, let them know that it is alright, show them that they are ok.
I hope this helps fend off some unnecessary tears that break our hearts.
Well today my daughter fell when she was trying to walk and her head barely grazed the coffee table(not enough for it to hurt), but do to me screaming as she did so it scared her and made the whole situation worse on both of us than it needed to be. Now it is alright to show concern when your little one falls but don't put on to big of a worry face because it will make them overreact to the situation when they aren't hurt at all.
I know it's not much but it will teach your little one's that it is ok to fall and that it doesn't always hurt. Now if they are truly hurt or it truly scared them and they are crying by no means don't hold back. Comfort them, let them know that it is alright, show them that they are ok.
I hope this helps fend off some unnecessary tears that break our hearts.
Friday, August 7
Playing With Your Baby
Floor Exercises:
- Pull him/her up to a sitting position
- Pull him/her up to a standing position
- Hold his/her hands to help balance him/her while he/she maintains a standing or seated position
- Help him/her do deep knee bends or "jumping"
- Let him/her just play around on the floor on a thick blanket to pad the ground
- When it is warm out let your baby just lay around naked on the floor
- When your baby can sit up on their own try rolling a colorful ball to them
- All of the above
- Bounce him/her on your knee(incorporate nursery rhymes as they get older)
- Play nursery rhymes
Monday, August 3
This is for the packrats!
Alright, I am a former pack rat myself and my husband is still a horrible pack rat. It is really hard with him seeing how we live in a one bedroom apartment that is so small we barely have room for the things we NEED. What my husband doesn't know is that once a week(when I have the the time, its been a hectic and busy summer so I am doing this tonight) I take a garbage bag and just toss all the junk we don't need out, 95% of the time my husband doesn't even notice(that's when you know you don't need it). I usually wait until I put the kiddo to bed before I do this so I can focus all my attention on the task but if you think you can do it with the kiddo(s) around then go for it.
Fun Finger Foods
So your baby is ready for finger foods? Here are some things you can offer you baby:
-Cooked, grated vegetables
-Cooked, sliced vegetables(carrots, green beans, etc)
-Chunky mashed potatoes
-Sliced banana or very small pieces of fruit(even a grape is to large)
-Cubes or triangles of bread
-Dry, relatively unsweetened cereal(cheerio's, etc)
-Macaroni or other pasta
-Rice Cakes
-Low-salt or no-salt pretzels
-Small cubes of well-cooked meat or poultry
-Cooked, grated vegetables
-Cooked, sliced vegetables(carrots, green beans, etc)
-Chunky mashed potatoes
-Sliced banana or very small pieces of fruit(even a grape is to large)
-Cubes or triangles of bread
-Dry, relatively unsweetened cereal(cheerio's, etc)
-Macaroni or other pasta
-Rice Cakes
-Low-salt or no-salt pretzels
-Small cubes of well-cooked meat or poultry
Activity for your Baby - Shaker Bottle
Alright so we are always looking for something to do with our babies. Well here is an activity that almost all babies love. Make them a Shaker Bottle and make "music" with them.
What you will need:
**This is also a good way to distract them when you need to get some things done around the house or make dinner**
What you will need:
- For babies, use one of their small juice bottles, you can always use a larger size bottle for larger kids.
- Colored rice or pasta(honestly you can use anything small in your junk drawer that you don't need such as nuts, bolts, etc)
- Crazy glue or super glue
- Make sure the bottle you are using is clean and dry.
- Place the items you have inside the bottle.
- Glue the cap back onto the bottle.
- Little one's will love the noise when they shake the bottle, plus they will also like to watch what is happening to the stuff inside as they shake it all around.
**This is also a good way to distract them when you need to get some things done around the house or make dinner**
Teething Biscuits
So we all know how challenging teething is. It breaks our hearts to see our babies in pain, knowing there is only so much we can do about it. Teething biscuits can get to be expensive and you can never be 100% sure that everything in them is safe for your baby. Truth is, any bread that has been hardened can be used as a teething "biscuit". I have also found a healthy recipe as an alternative to the expensive teething biscuits you buy in stores.
Blend wet ingredients, add dry ingredients. Dough will be stiff. Roll dough thin and cut into strips and shape to your desired shape. Bake at 350 degree's for 15 minutes on an ungreased cookie sheet. Though the last three ingredients are not needed, they add to the nutritional value.
If you would like additional recipes please comment and let me know, or watch the blog as I will update with more in the future (I have about 6 more).
- 1 beaten egg yolk
- 3 tbsp maple syrup or molasses
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 1.5 tbsp oil
- 1/4 cup milk
- 1 tbsp uncooked oatmeal
- 1 cup flour (white, wheat, or combo)
- 1 tbsp soy flour
- 1 tbsp wheat germ
- 1 tbsp nonfat dry milk
Blend wet ingredients, add dry ingredients. Dough will be stiff. Roll dough thin and cut into strips and shape to your desired shape. Bake at 350 degree's for 15 minutes on an ungreased cookie sheet. Though the last three ingredients are not needed, they add to the nutritional value.
If you would like additional recipes please comment and let me know, or watch the blog as I will update with more in the future (I have about 6 more).
For your Relaxation
Well with our busy life styles we all need to relax every now and then. How about you treat yourself to a homemade facial?
Soothing Oatmeal Mask
- 6 or 8 oz plain yogurt
- 1/4 or 1/2 cup oatmeal
- 2 tsp beeswax or honey
- Combine all ingredients.
- Apply a thin layer to your face.
- The honey will help the mask on your face long enough for the oatmeal to work.
- For optimum results keep the mask on your face for at least 20 minutes.
- Soothing powers
- Purifying and softening effect
- Emulsifying powers
- Helps in adhering to skin
Sunday, August 2
Homemade Ice Cream In a Bag
This is a personal favorite of mine. You can do this with your children or by yourself:D.
What you will need:
What you will need:
- 1 Tbsp Sugar
- 1/2 c. Milk or Half & Half
- 1/4 Tsp. Vanilla
- 6 Tbsp rock salt
- 1 pint-sized plastic food storage bag (e.g., Ziploc)
- 1 gallon-sized plastic food storage bag
- Ice cubes
- Fill the large bag half full of ice, and the rock salt. Seal the bag.
- Put the milk, vanilla, and sugar into the small bag, and seal it.
- Place the small bag inside of the large bag, seal the large bag again carefully.
- Shake until the mixture is Ice Cream, which usually takes about 5 minutes.
- Wipe of the top of the small bag, then open it carefully. Enjoy!
- A 1/2 cup of Milk will make about a scoop of ice cream, so double the Ice Cream if you want more. But don't increase the portions more than that - it will weigh to much for the kids to pick up and successfully shake it up.
Saturday, August 1
So You Want A Degree???
Alright, we all know that being a mother and a wife, and for some a working woman, that it is hard to go back to school to further your education in hopes of a new job. That is where Online Colleges come into play. Now there are several different one's out there now. It takes a lot of determination to be able to go to school online. I am actually an Online College student to get my Associates Degree in Medical Assisting(which has a variety of different places where you can work in the profession). I did a lot of looking around when I decided to go back to school, and I found the perfect school for me, but there is a lot to look at when you are deciding. First, what do you want to study? Do you want someone else to make your school schedule for you, or do it when you have the free time(which is where the determination comes in). I have a friend that attends the University of Phoenix online and he seems to be enjoying it, and it is right for him. They set the schedule of when things are due and such. While I attend Penn Foster College. With Penn Foster you set your own schedule, which is great as a mother, I decide when I want to study(usually right after my daughter goes to bed for an hour or two). Another advantage is the cost of my school. It is just over $1,000 a semester, which includes books and everything else. While they (as far as I have seen) do not take scholarships and such, they do give you afford able payment plans. I paid $35 down and I pay $45 a month. It is a wonderful school and yes it is an accredited school. They have added more Degree's since I have signed up and they don't look like they are going to stop. They also have a Career School, where you can become certified in various things. If you are interested in going back to school in a way you can afford it look into Penn Foster. But make sure that you choose the school that is right for YOU. Going back to school is becoming much easier for us so lets take advantage of it, so we can better our lives.
Back-to-School: Healthy Lunches
School lunches make it hard to make sure you child(ren) is/are eating healthy because you can't be sure if they are eating the healthy food that you have sent with them. Well I found a website that has some idea's for lunches that your kids should love, but they are outside the box. I am just going to give you the link because there is no way I could share my favorites since I love all the idea's. I hope this will help you to get your child(ren) to eat their healthy lunches that you pack for them.
Back-to-School: Healthy School Lunches and Snacks
Back-to-School: Healthy School Lunches and Snacks
Just for Mom - At home manicure
So we all can't afford to go out and get a manicure, though as mother's we all deserve it. We deserve to have something that makes us feel just a little more beautiful, or for some more put together, because we all know being a mother is hectic. Here is how you can give yourself a manicure at home that will look great.
Also, keep your polish in a cool dry place(such as the fridge) and it will last longer.
- Remove. Remove all of the old and chipped nail polish off of your nails.
- Trim. Trim you nails to the desired length you want. Then you can shape them to either squared or rounded. **If you don't have a nail file on hand you can use the rough edge of a match book**
- Soak. Soak your nails in warm water for 5 minutes. You can add 2 Tbsp of bath powder or your favorite liquid soap to soften the nails. **You can skip this step if you don't have the time.**
- Soften. Apply cuticle oil or lotion on dry hands to nourish and soften rough spots. **If you do not have cuticle oil, olive oil works just the same.
- Push. Use a cuticle or popsicle stick to press the cuticles back so they are out of the way of the polish.
- Scrub. Exfoliate with a body scrub or with a mixture of olive oil mixed with kosher salt or raw sugar. Scrub for 2-3 minutes, then wash hands thoroughly.
- Moisturize. Dry hands and moisturize.
- Polish. Apply a base coat first, then 2 thin coats of polish. **Light polish is harder to notice chips than darker polishes.**
Also, keep your polish in a cool dry place(such as the fridge) and it will last longer.
Getting Things For Free
I've stated before but I'll do it again, time's are tough and money is tight. We are lucky enough though to have people willing to give away things they have, but no longer need, for free. There is a great organization called Freecycle that goes through Yahoo! Groups and it is a great way to either get rid of things that you no longer need/use or to ask/receive things that you are in need of or something you just want.
Friday, July 31
Car Travel Games
So I just found a wonderful website about traveling by car with children. I will link to them at the bottom of the post but I am going to share some of the idea's they have that I really like and can't wait to use when my daughter gets older.
- Give your child(ren) a daily allowance. Tell them that it is for snacks, souveniors, etc. Let them know that when they have spent it all that that is it. You can help teach them how to budget their money this way.
- Let your child(ren) have a map. This way you can show them how far you have come and how much farther you have to go. You can let them mark it up with crayons.(check out more under this topic at the site if you have a child who can read, it has a WONDERFUL idea in it).
- The License Plate Game. For older kids you can play this game. You go and print out a map of the US and as you see a plate from a state you color that state in with Crayons.
- Virtual Hide & Seek. Imagine somewhere in your house that you want to hide and have everyone else try to guess. You can be any size so you could even hide in your silverware drawer or in your toilet.
- Counting Cows. Count cows as you pass them, but be fast if you go by a field full of them. If you pass by a cemetery you lose all of your cows, but only if someone from the opposing team yells your "your cows are buried!" Check out this idea on the site for more information about it.
- Scavenger Hunt. Make up a list of things for your child(ren) to find while driving. You can make the list ahead of time and adjust it for your scenery.
- Treasure Bottle. Use a large soda bottle or a large clean peanut butter jar. Fill it no more than 2/3 full with uncooked rice or birdseed. Then put in about 20-25 small objects (safety pin, plastic bugs, button, M&M, nut, bolt, paper clip, penny, bead, piece of macaroni, tiny lego, and other misc. toy pieces or stuff that is probably rolling around in your kitchen junk drawer.) Keep a count of the items and write down the number of items on the outside of the bottle. Put the lid on tight (super-glue it if necessary). Let the kids take turns rolling the bottle around in their hands until they find them all. Kids of all ages love this game. You can make more than one treasure bottle so kids don't have to take turns - put different items in different bottles.(yes I did copy and past this one due to the fact that I didn't want to try to explain it in my own words.)
- Bubbles. Bring some bubbles in a non-spill container and when someone else is driving you can blow bubbles to keep baby happy.
- Play Classical Music. Classical music can be very calming and keep your baby calm during your trip.
- Peek-a-boo.
- This little piggy.
- Baby Music/Mother's Heart beat on CD.
- Car Seat Links(Toys)
- Baby Mirror.
- Puppets.
Tips To Getting Your Child To Eat Vegetables
We all know that once children hit around toddler age they start to lose interest in their vegetables, here are some tips that might help you out.
- You can use any cooked leftover yellow/white vegetable by mashing it up, mixing it with eggs, and cooking it with something like a pancake or you can bake it in a muffin tin. You can also mix it in with mashed potatoes if your child likes them.
- You (or you can let your child) sprinkle shredded cheese over each spoonful of cooked vegetables.
- Puree steamed vegetables and add them to a simmering broth to make a creamy soup.
- A good early finger food for your picky eater is "spaghetti squash". You cook it whole in the microwave until it is soft. Then you cut it in half, remove the seeds, and use a fork to remove the flesh. It comes out like spaghetti strands. You can serve it with butter, margarine, a little olive oil, or spaghetti sauce.
- Try green noodles. They are made with spinach.
- Add finely chopped vegetables to a cheese omelet.
- Hide moderate amounts of pureed vegetables in meatloaf and spaghetti sauce.
- Hide some pureed vegetables under melted cheese on pizza
- Hide some pureed vegetables in hamburger meat before you cook it.
- Try serving a vegetable desert(pumpkin pie, carrot cake, etc).
- Make sweet potato chips. Place 12 thin, unpeeled sweet potato circle slices on a microwave rack. Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar and microwave 4-5 minutes until dry. Rotate during cooking. Let cool before eating.
Monday, July 27
Exercising as a Family
Exercise Idea's as a Family
Here are some idea's for you to exercise as a family so we can all stay in shape.
Those are just a few things but as you can see it is easy to incorporate workouts into your daily life, as long as they are fun and creative.
- Take a walk before or after dinner.
- Turn on some music and dance in your living room like no one else is watching, it will be good for a laugh and good for the heart.
- Make a game out of cleaning your house. (such as you are going to be attacked by aliens and you have to pick up all the "moon rocks" before they can get to you.)
- Turn TV commercials into workout breaks. (when the show goes to commercial have a competition to see who can do the most push ups or something until the show comes back on.)
- Have a weekly sports night.
- Take the kids to a walk/run for a charity.
- Take the dog (and the kids) for a walk.
Those are just a few things but as you can see it is easy to incorporate workouts into your daily life, as long as they are fun and creative.
Sunday, July 26
Take a "Babymoon"
Alright, so some who read this might be married but are expecting their first child. This one is for you ladies. Before your baby is born take a babymoon. Take one last good vacation together before your baby is born. It will be hard to find special time together for a while after your baby is born and it is important for you as a couple to remember why you love each other. You need to have this special time together to reassure each other that you are there for each other through thick and thin and that you guys are ready for this next step in life as a united front instead of 2 individuals.
Rekindling Romance
Rekindling Romance
We all know that once a baby is born romance can sometimes go right out the window. Once that romance goes you will most likely snap at each other from all the sexual tension because things just aren't good enough. Here are some little tips to get you and your spouse back on the "love wagon":
Please take the time to work on your marriage, even if you think you have a good marriage. There is always room for improvement in every aspect of a life, why just sit there and let it be mediocre?
We all know that once a baby is born romance can sometimes go right out the window. Once that romance goes you will most likely snap at each other from all the sexual tension because things just aren't good enough. Here are some little tips to get you and your spouse back on the "love wagon":
- Don't let you mind wonder during sex. Once you let your mind wonder you aren't really into it any more and it won't be enjoyable for you.
- Go on a mini-honeymoon. Yes, it is hard to leave the kids sometimes. Yes, you have a lot of things to do at home. But to keep a marriage happy you need to take a break with you spouse. You need to do this at LEAST once a year, even if its just to a hotel a couple towns over(do not go in the same town, it will be to easy to spend time doing things other then trying to have a good time alone with your spouse).
- Start dating again. Remember how much easier things were when you were dating. How you would go out on a weekend and get dinner, maybe see a movie. Start it all over again. Set up a regular day for a couple time. You can go and hang out with friends and everything but make sure you set aside an hour or two of that night to just be by yourselves as a couple, no one else but you and your spouse.
- The power of the touch. Think back to when you and your spouse first got together, you used to hug all the time, get a kiss hello and goodbye whenever you saw them, you held hands. Just these small gestures can help so much with your spouse. It makes them feel a little more appreciated and wanted.
Please take the time to work on your marriage, even if you think you have a good marriage. There is always room for improvement in every aspect of a life, why just sit there and let it be mediocre?
Saturday, July 25
Summer Safety
Summer (outdoor) Safety
So summer has been here for a little bit now but I feel you need to know these safety tips.
Sun Safety -
Keeping your kids cool -
Insect protection -
Water Safety -
With these tips you can have a fun, safe time with your child outside this summer
Sun Safety -
- Avoid being in the sun from 10 am to 3pm.
- Stay in the shade as much as you can.
- For babies 6 months and older apply SPF 15(at least) sunblock on half an hour before going outside.
- For babies 6 months and under, if there isn't enough shade apply small amounts of sunblock on the exposed skin.
- Reapply sunblock every 2 hours.
- Cold compresses.
- over-the-counter pain reliever.
- Aloe.
Keeping your kids cool -
- Spray them with cold water from a spray bottle or from a hose.
- Fan them.
- If you notice overheating, ice packs to the armpits and groin can speed up the cooling process.
Insect protection -
- Dress in lightweight long sleeve shirts and pants when in wooded area's.
- Avoid bright colors and floral patterns as they attract stinging insects.
- If stung, do not pull stinger out with fingers or tweezers, but use a credit card and scrap the stinger out the same direction it came in.
- To relieve a sting, use a paste made of baking soda and water or 0.5% hydrocortizone cream.
- If swelling occurs in the childs face and lips and is pronounced, or you know they have an insect allergy then you should call emergency services.
- Some swelling and itching is normal.
- Use a non-DEET bug repellent.
- For spraying repellent on clothing, do so before putting them on the child so they do not breath in any fumes.
Water Safety -
- Keep your pool fenced in, and ask neighbors to do the same.
- Never let child be around any body of water without a responsible adult there to supervise.
- Drowning can occur with less than an inch of water.
- Take a child/infant CPR course.
With these tips you can have a fun, safe time with your child outside this summer
Saving Money on Picture Frames
This one is simple, but useful. I know we all love to display pictures of our little ones around the house, but picture frames get to be expensive when you get one for every school picture. My tip is to go and buy on good sturdy frame. Then go and put the most recent school picture in it, then put the ones from the past years behind it. Not only are you saving money on frames but you are also keeping all of the school pictures in one place.
Friday, July 24
Baby Proofing
Baby proofing. It is very simple and can keep your child out of unneeded danger. First, make sure there are no power cords anywhere in sight of the baby, if the baby can see it it WILL get to it. Second, table corners, you can buy nifty little padded corner cover's that stick on with a sticky tap, they are wonderful. Third, kitchen cabinets, they have several different kind of locks for cabinets, doesn't matter which kind you get as long as you get some, you don't want you baby to go get into your cleaning chemicals or have things fall out on top of them. Fourth, appliances that open and toilets, you can buy some locks for these things to keep your baby from opening them up, but I suggest buying different sticky tape, I have not had success with the tape that came with these locks.
You can also look into straps that keep your book shelves and entertainment center's upright and at the wall instead of falling onto your child when they are just pulling themselves up to stand. You can get these pad things that you put on your door that prevent it from closing all the way which stops it from jamming your babies fingers. They also have door knob covers that prevent your child from opening a door that you don't want them to open.
Look into your child proofing options and please child proof for the sake of your child's safety. I know we can't stop all bumps and bruises but we can stop them from getting hurt when they don't have to.
You can also look into straps that keep your book shelves and entertainment center's upright and at the wall instead of falling onto your child when they are just pulling themselves up to stand. You can get these pad things that you put on your door that prevent it from closing all the way which stops it from jamming your babies fingers. They also have door knob covers that prevent your child from opening a door that you don't want them to open.
Look into your child proofing options and please child proof for the sake of your child's safety. I know we can't stop all bumps and bruises but we can stop them from getting hurt when they don't have to.
Preparing for Bad Weather
I figure right now is a great time to post this seeing how a Tornado Watch was just posted not to long ago for my area. Normally they just list my county, oh no...this time they listed my city. As we all know we have to try our best to keep ourselves and our children protected. This includes from dangers of the weather. These are the danger's that we cannot prevent but we can protect ourselves from. For people who live where there are Tornado's it is important to have a basement, if not go to your nearest friend or neighbor that has a basement as soon as the watch comes out. It is not worth it to risk our child's life. Also it is important to have a emergency survival kit. This would include nonperishable food items, water, for babies I would keep a can of formula in it and replace it if it going to go bad, clothes, a package of diapers, a package of wipes, flashlights, a good first aid kit, anything that will sooth your child(ren), etc. I won't go into any more detail because the kit is a little different in different locations due to weather threats, those are just the basics. Please be prepared for weather emergencies.
Potluck With Some Friends
So you want to have a dinner with some friends? An easy, cheaper way to do this is to arrange a potluck. Have everyone bring a dish to pass and the option to bring their own beverages. Then after you can all enjoy each others company in the comfort of a home instead of in a busy expensive restaurant.
Babysitters Can Be Expensive
The cost of a babysitter can get to be a bit expensive. There are sometimes though when you need a break from baby to spend time with your husband. An idea is if you have friend or a good neighbor who also has children you can occasionally do a babysitting swap.
Sometimes It's Best to be the Listener
Now we all know we have problems as women and as wives, but let's think about our husbands here for a second. They have problems just like us, insecurities just like us, emotions just like us. Sometimes you just need to sit back and be the listener instead of the talker, not only do they need to talk about things but you also need to show you husband that you care about the issues he is going through.
Stop Talking About "Life"
Being a wife has it's difficult times, especially when you have a child. Getting time to yourselves is important but getting time together is just as important. Remember when you first got together with you husband, before children, before the worries of being able to pay all of your bills. You just talked. You didn't just grunt at each other as you passed by to go to the bathroom. You would talk about everything under the sun. My husband and I have something we do together that is not only entertaining but it sparks conversation. When he is off work(he work's 3rd shift so time together is hard enough as it is without a child) we get together at the computer and cuddle up and watch "Is it a good idea to microwave this?" on Youtube(check it out). We sit there and watch what they decide to stick in there as it melts and on the best occasions blow up, then we sit there after we get done and it just sparks conversation about all sorts of things. We will talk for hours about all sorts of things, not about bills, not about our daughter, not about the normal troubles in life but about completely random things that really don't make a difference in the world or in our lives. It just brings us closer together and lets us bond even more and strengthen our relationship.
Saving For The Future
This will be a hard task because you will have to have a great sense of determination and self control. I saw this on Oprah and it is one of the best idea's ever. It makes sense and it is a smart move to make. This task is to save enough money to pay your bills and expenses for 8 months, then never touch it unless you are ADDING to it. The reason this is such a good idea is because think about what if you get laid off tomorrow, what will you do while you are trying to find another job? I know some people will say, "oh I'll just get unemployment until I get a new job." That can work BUT you will be barely scrapping by and you will be miserable, trust me I have been there, my husband was laid off temporarily for 2 months due to lack of work. It is very hard to survive, we couldn't pay all of our bills sometimes, we were lucky my dad is a generous guy and has loaned us money until next tax season when we can pay him back(I would not just take the money, he has already given me enough and I would have felt even more guilty if I didn't set that up with him). With this economy you can't expect to just get fired/laid off and you find a job within a week or so, it just doesn't work that way. To be able to save this money you will have to go a while w/o luxuries, like going out to dinner(sorry your going to have to cook), going to movies, buying things you don't NEED. During the time of saving you can only buy what you NEED, no wants. That is why you need a great sense of self control, it is very hard.
Hide Some Diapers
We all know that diapers are expensive and we run out fast. None of us want to be stranded without any diapers. One thing I've learned is storing away diapers. When you start to run low on diapers go out and buy more diapers then take the last 2 or 3 and store them away somewhere. You can store them in your car, in a dresser drawer, in a kitchen cabinet, anywhere. Then when you are strapped for cash for a few days and are in need for diapers you have them stored away all over and you will have a small supply to last you a few days until you can afford to go out and buy some more. Just remember to keep the sizes up to don't want to need a size 6 diaper and only be able to find a stash of size 3's.
Help Remembering Things
So this tip is to help us mommies remember things. We all know pregnancy brain never goes away completely, plus we all have far to much on our minds to remember everything. This tip is to make lists. Make list for everything, what you need to get done today, who you need to call, what did you just run out of in your cupboards, whatever you need to make it for. Then keep these lists in plain sight and check things off as you complete them. I know it seems so simple but it works as long as you keep at it. Don't just make lists for one week then think that all of a sudden you will magically remember everything so you stop. It will not work to your advantage to stop.
Don't Be Afraid To Ask For Help!
This is a VERY important tip. It is probably one of the most difficult tips for some mom's, but it is important. You are on the go from the time your child is born. It is very easy to get overwhelmed. You are not alone, you must never forget it. We have all done things to get through motherhood that we probably think we are the only one(for example: most of the time we cannot shower everyday). It might be difficult but do not be afraid to ask for help. You have so many people who care about you and your child that most are willing to help you. It can be small things, for example a great friend of mine stayed up all night on the phone with me when my daughter was 3 weeks old and would not sleep just to make sure that I would stay awake and to support me because all mothers know how difficult it is to a mother. You can ask a friend or a relative to come over and watch the baby so you can just jump in the shower. You must not be afraid to ask for help, no matter how big, small, or embarrassing it is for you. A great support system will help you through this difficult journey, because we are not perfect and we need help.
Cleaning with Child(ren)
For my second Mommy tip I'm going to help you find ways to get things done while keeping your children happy. For people like me with an (almost) 11 month old it is hard to get around to doing things that need to get done such as house work. Even at that age you can include your child in your cleaning activities. Which in turn will help you when they get older and start to take on the responsibilities of chores. While it does take longer to get your house work done when you have your little one helping you it beats it not getting done at all or your getting frustrated while your child is screaming for you to play but you are cleaning. First, lets say you have dishes to do(not all of us are lucky enough to have a dish washer). You can set your child up in a walker, jumperoo, exersaucer, etc, next to where you will be doing your dishes, you can make games with them by blowing the bubbles from the dish soap at them or while you are cleaning cups(DO NOT DO WITH GLASS) you can bang the cups together(can also be done with plastic bowls, tupperware, etc). Another thing you could do is give them cup of their own and let them just play with it and bang it around on their own. Now lets say you have a living room to pick up. An easy way to do this AND keep your little one happy is to clean with music on and dance around while making goofy faces at your little one. They will enjoy the time together, play, and it will wear them out for either nap time or bed time. Honestly, if you clean to music, no matter what the cleaning, you should be able to keep your child entertained enough that you can do what you need to do, plus it will also make cleaning a little bit more fun for you. Plus you will be satisfied when you get done cleaning because you aren't sitting with a mess or worrying about getting things clean.
I hope this is a helpful tip for you ladies and it helps you keep your baby happy AND help keep you in a happy, clean home.
I hope this is a helpful tip for you ladies and it helps you keep your baby happy AND help keep you in a happy, clean home.
Saving some $$$ at the Grocery Store
We all know that the economy is hitting us hard. We are finding it harder and harder to get by every day. We also know that it is hard to feed so many mouths on limited budgets, but it has to be done. Every now and then I'm going to offer tips on how to save money on our groceries but still get the most we can out of it. First of all I know it sounds like something an old lady does(no offense grandma) but cutting coupons is a fast way to start saving some pennies. I know it doesn't seem like you are saving a lot but those pennies add up and you will end up saving more than you realize. Second, do NOT go to the store when you are hungry or bring someone with you that is hungry. That will end in a disaster in your wallet if you because you will want to grab every food item you see throughout the store. Third, plan out a menu for 2 weeks at a time. When you plan out your meal you can go through your cupboards and see what you have for these meals and what you don't have. Forth, based on what you will need for your meals you can make a list for shopping. Make sure that you don't deviate from your list, the point of the list is to get in, get what you NEED and get out. Do not linger in the store trying to think of anything else you MIGHT need, you can always make another trip to the store when you run across something you NEED. If you have to go to the store then make sure that you follow the guidelines above. It might not seem like much but if you shop smart that is the first tip to saving money at the grocery store.
Preventing "Poop Painting"
Sooner or later your baby will learn how to take their diaper off. You can't stop it but you can prevent it at one of the worst times, when you are sleeping. Say your little bean has woken up before you in the morning, decides to entertain themselves. It is horrible to wake up to a baby who has taken off their diaper because they can and it was soiled and find that they have "poop painted" the walls, the crib, their hair, their clothes, their bedding, and their mouths(gross I know but trust me it DOES happen). When you put your wee one to bed one thing you can do is make sure that they are in a onesie. Now sooner or later they will figure out how to undo those snaps on their onesie and then you are in for waking up to a poop masterpiece. A way to prevent it after they have learned how to unsnap the onesie is to put the onesie on backwards. I know it sounds strange but it is quite difficult for them to unsnap it when it is on their butt.
I hope that helps you to prevent messes when you wake up in the morning, because we all know we don't want to wake up to cleaning poop off of every surface in a 5 ft radius of your baby.
I hope that helps you to prevent messes when you wake up in the morning, because we all know we don't want to wake up to cleaning poop off of every surface in a 5 ft radius of your baby.
My Life 101
My life started off in a city known as Rockford, IL. I learned at a young age that life and marriage don't always go as planned. When I was 9 my parents got a divorce. Throughout my adolescent years I bounced back and forth between living with my parents. I have suffered from depression since I was a teenager. The depression made me a "rebellious" teenager. I did things that I shouldn't have done at that age(smoke, drink, etc) which led to me being expelled from school 3 months before the end of my senior year. I know, stupid. I had a wonderful councilor who saw the potential in me. He offered for me to be in Credit Recovery, which meant that I could take the rest of the classes I needed online. I finished in 3 weeks after graduation but my high school diploma still has the same date of graduation on it as everyone in my graduating class, the class of 2007. If you have done the math you have figured out that I am 20 years old. I know, I'm still young and have a LOT to learn, but I am getting there. In September 2008, I gave birth to my wonderful daughter. She means the world to me and am thankful for having her in my life. She was not planned but I believe she saved me. In November 2008, I married my daughter's father. He is a wonderful man and came to my rescue when I had no one and was far from home. He sacrificed everything and moved 1,000 miles away from his home and everything he knows just so he could stay with me. Without him, I would probably be dead. He has helped me through some of my worst moments in life so far and I don't know how I would have survived without him. He has been working 3rd shift at a horrible job trying to make ends meet for us so I can be a stay at home mother. I am so grateful that he allows me to do that, but just like every other family out there we are struggling to with this horrible economy. We would both like for me to get a part time job but even if I did we would not be able to afford a babysitter or daycare for our daughter, so we go with out just so we can have everything for our daughter and make sure that she has what she needs. I never thought in my life that I would sacrifice so much for one little person but she is worth it all, she makes me see that whenever she smile at me. As well as being a stay at home mom I am also an online college student. I am working towards getting an Associates Degree in Medical Assisting. I hope to be able to get a nice steady job after I complete my courses and get my degree but that is still a year and a half away. I guess I will end this now so I will have more to write about:D.
Thank you for stopping by and reading.
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