In these hard times just about everyone is trying to budget their money. Just because you are trying to budget wisely it doesn't mean you have to cut out eating out all together. One thing you can do if you eat out a lot is try to hold of until you are only going out once a week, then twice a month, etc. After that you can work it down to where you are only eating out on special occasions which can save you so much money.
When you are out for dinner something you can do to save money is try to order the specials. These are offered daily and some restaurants offer buy one get one deals.
Something else you can do is request that you split a large entree between two people since most restaurants entree's are so large. Restaurants will normally do this for free, or they will do it for a small charge of a dollar or two. Either way it saves you a lot of money.
You can also bring home left overs and use them for, lets say, lunch the next day.
Saturday, November 21
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