Tuesday, November 10

After Nap Activity

Some toddlers wake up grumpy from their naps and it is hard to deal with sometimes. I seriously just found this and I wish I would have found it sooner. I can't wait to try it with my daughter tomorrow. So for this activity all you need for this is your imagination and your child's toys. While your child is laying down and taking a nap take they toys and line them up or put them in a circle on the floor or your couch, anywhere! When your child wakes up let them find the line of toys. You will see them light up like a light bulb. They will be thinking that something is going on and they will want to find out what it is. Then it is play time! I know it is simple but man its going to make things easier on the rough days, lol.

If anyone tries this please leave a comment and let me know how it goes for you. I am interested to see how it goes with everyone who tries it.

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