Tuesday, November 17

Don't Stress Over Holiday Shopping

So I was thinking about how I still have so much holiday shopping today and I started to stress.  Then I checked my email and BAM - an email with tips to avoid that shopping stress.  No doubt that was the first email I opened.  I followed the link and thought I would share these tips with everyone.  At the end of the post I will post the link that I found the tips at since I probably won't list all of them, just the ones I like.

  1. Shop in the AM - First, the stores are less crowded.  Second, the stores are more organized in the morning because not many people have been picking through things.  Third, decreases your changes of impulse shopping since you are more awake and aware.
  2. Shop EARLY - I mean super early, like after Christmas sales early.  You can start your shopping then which will not only save you money but you won't be running around like a chicken with their head cut off at the last minute.
  3. Buy in large numbers - If you have a lot of people to buy for this comes in handy.  It does get hard to know what people want as gifts and it makes you stress even more.  You can find something that would easily work for most people, such as gift cards, so they can get what they really want.  I prefer to give and receive gift cards myself.
  4. Shop ALONE - This can save you time and money.  You are not held back by someone doing their own shopping and you can have a list with you of what you want to get.  It will decrease your chance of impulse shopping.
  5. Get more for your money - If you are an online shopper you can use promotional codes at check out to receive discounts.  You can use coupons you get in your email.  You can also use coupons in magazines and such if you aren't an online shopper. Find the deals people!!  Even when shopping online find a store that offers free shipping when you purchase so much.  It can save you money since shipping can be very costly.
  6. Budget - Budget how much money you have for shopping and use it.  When you find out how much money you have you can figure out what gifts you can get.  Once the money is gone you are done.  This helps decrease impulse buying.  For this you can go to a bank and set up a Christmas Club account and put an amount of money in whenever you have it and then usually in October you get this money back and then you can get your presents then.
  7. Be GREEN - I know a lot of people who are going green because they care about the environment and some care about the money in their wallets.  Why spend so much money on wrapping paper and bows when you can use something you already have.  I'm talking about those brown bags from the store, your old newspaper that you were going through away, etc.  It makes your gift stand out and why not?  I mean you were going to throw it out anyway, why not save money and have unique wrapping paper!

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