Friday, November 13

Kids off the couch....

Looking for a way to get your kids, and even you, off the couch? Well Christmas is coming up and layaway is always an option for some...but what I am going to suggest is getting your family a Wii. This is a great gaming system, the best I have seen. Your children will play what you buy them, especially with the Wii since the games are high energy. Now why wouldn't you guy your kids a Wii as opposed to other gaming systems? Active gaming burns more than 400 times the calories than a plain sitting point and shoot game. Plus it is something that the whole family can enjoy together!

My brother has a Wii at his dad's house and he was able to bring it to our mom's house one weekend and we all fell in love with it and the fun we have. My mom and his dad put one on Layaway at Sears so that my brother could have one at our mom's house (and so we can all play it together).

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