Tuesday, November 10

Exploring Textures

Children learn by using their senses. One of their senses is touch. This is one of my favorite senses to work with since there are so many textures and activities go along with them. I love this activity myself and my daughter loves it to. You can find all of these things around your house (normally) and it is very easy. First things first, what you will need ( just basics, you can do more if you wish), some aluminum foil, a baggy, a little water, a wash cloth, and some tape ( I prefer masking tape but it is all a personal preference). What you will do is you will tape down a square of aluminum foil to your floor. Then you will put about a teaspoon of water in the baggy and tape that down to the floor. As I'm sure you can figure out, the next thing to do is tape down the wash cloth. Now your little one can crawl around, walk on, or hit these with a wooden spoon. It is so much fun to play with them during this activity. I do recommend getting the wooden spoon out though. We all know kids love to hit things and a wooden spoon is safer plus it also stimulates another sense, sound and even sight as they watch what happens when they hit the things.

Now go try it out!!! It is a great activity that is full of fun!

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