Friday, July 24

Saving some $$$ at the Grocery Store

We all know that the economy is hitting us hard. We are finding it harder and harder to get by every day. We also know that it is hard to feed so many mouths on limited budgets, but it has to be done. Every now and then I'm going to offer tips on how to save money on our groceries but still get the most we can out of it. First of all I know it sounds like something an old lady does(no offense grandma) but cutting coupons is a fast way to start saving some pennies. I know it doesn't seem like you are saving a lot but those pennies add up and you will end up saving more than you realize. Second, do NOT go to the store when you are hungry or bring someone with you that is hungry. That will end in a disaster in your wallet if you because you will want to grab every food item you see throughout the store. Third, plan out a menu for 2 weeks at a time. When you plan out your meal you can go through your cupboards and see what you have for these meals and what you don't have. Forth, based on what you will need for your meals you can make a list for shopping. Make sure that you don't deviate from your list, the point of the list is to get in, get what you NEED and get out. Do not linger in the store trying to think of anything else you MIGHT need, you can always make another trip to the store when you run across something you NEED. If you have to go to the store then make sure that you follow the guidelines above. It might not seem like much but if you shop smart that is the first tip to saving money at the grocery store.

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