Friday, July 24

Preparing for Bad Weather

I figure right now is a great time to post this seeing how a Tornado Watch was just posted not to long ago for my area. Normally they just list my county, oh no...this time they listed my city. As we all know we have to try our best to keep ourselves and our children protected. This includes from dangers of the weather. These are the danger's that we cannot prevent but we can protect ourselves from. For people who live where there are Tornado's it is important to have a basement, if not go to your nearest friend or neighbor that has a basement as soon as the watch comes out. It is not worth it to risk our child's life. Also it is important to have a emergency survival kit. This would include nonperishable food items, water, for babies I would keep a can of formula in it and replace it if it going to go bad, clothes, a package of diapers, a package of wipes, flashlights, a good first aid kit, anything that will sooth your child(ren), etc. I won't go into any more detail because the kit is a little different in different locations due to weather threats, those are just the basics. Please be prepared for weather emergencies.

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