Friday, July 24

Don't Be Afraid To Ask For Help!

This is a VERY important tip. It is probably one of the most difficult tips for some mom's, but it is important. You are on the go from the time your child is born. It is very easy to get overwhelmed. You are not alone, you must never forget it. We have all done things to get through motherhood that we probably think we are the only one(for example: most of the time we cannot shower everyday). It might be difficult but do not be afraid to ask for help. You have so many people who care about you and your child that most are willing to help you. It can be small things, for example a great friend of mine stayed up all night on the phone with me when my daughter was 3 weeks old and would not sleep just to make sure that I would stay awake and to support me because all mothers know how difficult it is to a mother. You can ask a friend or a relative to come over and watch the baby so you can just jump in the shower. You must not be afraid to ask for help, no matter how big, small, or embarrassing it is for you. A great support system will help you through this difficult journey, because we are not perfect and we need help.

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