Friday, July 24

Stop Talking About "Life"

Being a wife has it's difficult times, especially when you have a child. Getting time to yourselves is important but getting time together is just as important. Remember when you first got together with you husband, before children, before the worries of being able to pay all of your bills. You just talked. You didn't just grunt at each other as you passed by to go to the bathroom. You would talk about everything under the sun. My husband and I have something we do together that is not only entertaining but it sparks conversation. When he is off work(he work's 3rd shift so time together is hard enough as it is without a child) we get together at the computer and cuddle up and watch "Is it a good idea to microwave this?" on Youtube(check it out). We sit there and watch what they decide to stick in there as it melts and on the best occasions blow up, then we sit there after we get done and it just sparks conversation about all sorts of things. We will talk for hours about all sorts of things, not about bills, not about our daughter, not about the normal troubles in life but about completely random things that really don't make a difference in the world or in our lives. It just brings us closer together and lets us bond even more and strengthen our relationship.

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