Monday, August 3

Activity for your Baby - Shaker Bottle

Alright so we are always looking for something to do with our babies. Well here is an activity that almost all babies love. Make them a Shaker Bottle and make "music" with them.

What you will need:
  • For babies, use one of their small juice bottles, you can always use a larger size bottle for larger kids.
  • Colored rice or pasta(honestly you can use anything small in your junk drawer that you don't need such as nuts, bolts, etc)
  • Crazy glue or super glue
  • Make sure the bottle you are using is clean and dry.
  • Place the items you have inside the bottle.
  • Glue the cap back onto the bottle.
  • Little one's will love the noise when they shake the bottle, plus they will also like to watch what is happening to the stuff inside as they shake it all around.
Now go make a Shaker Bottle for your little one and let the fun begin.

**This is also a good way to distract them when you need to get some things done around the house or make dinner**

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