Thursday, August 13

Don't Overreact Before You Know How Bad It Is!

Sorry I have been missing for almost a week but I've thrown myself into studying lately when I have free time.

Well today my daughter fell when she was trying to walk and her head barely grazed the coffee table(not enough for it to hurt), but do to me screaming as she did so it scared her and made the whole situation worse on both of us than it needed to be. Now it is alright to show concern when your little one falls but don't put on to big of a worry face because it will make them overreact to the situation when they aren't hurt at all.

I know it's not much but it will teach your little one's that it is ok to fall and that it doesn't always hurt. Now if they are truly hurt or it truly scared them and they are crying by no means don't hold back. Comfort them, let them know that it is alright, show them that they are ok.

I hope this helps fend off some unnecessary tears that break our hearts.

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