Sunday, August 16

Cleaning Up The Walls From Your Little Artist!

It is bound to happen eventually. Your little one will color all over the walls like it is their personal coloring book. After you have tried the obvious cleaners here are a few other things you can do to try to get it off of your walls.

  • Spray hair spray on the ink/pencil/crayon marks and wipe with a damp sponge.
  • Spray WD40 on a paper towel and rub gently on the marks. Do not spray directly onto the walls.
  • Rub the marks with a damp sponge with baking soda in a circular motions.
  • Nail polish remover on a cotton swab/ball. Do not try this as a first resort as it has been known that with some paints it will fade or come off with the marks.
Hope this helps clean some walls after your little artists have their way with your walls.

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