Saturday, August 1

So You Want A Degree???

Alright, we all know that being a mother and a wife, and for some a working woman, that it is hard to go back to school to further your education in hopes of a new job. That is where Online Colleges come into play. Now there are several different one's out there now. It takes a lot of determination to be able to go to school online. I am actually an Online College student to get my Associates Degree in Medical Assisting(which has a variety of different places where you can work in the profession). I did a lot of looking around when I decided to go back to school, and I found the perfect school for me, but there is a lot to look at when you are deciding. First, what do you want to study? Do you want someone else to make your school schedule for you, or do it when you have the free time(which is where the determination comes in). I have a friend that attends the University of Phoenix online and he seems to be enjoying it, and it is right for him. They set the schedule of when things are due and such. While I attend Penn Foster College. With Penn Foster you set your own schedule, which is great as a mother, I decide when I want to study(usually right after my daughter goes to bed for an hour or two). Another advantage is the cost of my school. It is just over $1,000 a semester, which includes books and everything else. While they (as far as I have seen) do not take scholarships and such, they do give you afford able payment plans. I paid $35 down and I pay $45 a month. It is a wonderful school and yes it is an accredited school. They have added more Degree's since I have signed up and they don't look like they are going to stop. They also have a Career School, where you can become certified in various things. If you are interested in going back to school in a way you can afford it look into Penn Foster. But make sure that you choose the school that is right for YOU. Going back to school is becoming much easier for us so lets take advantage of it, so we can better our lives.

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