Wednesday, August 19

Homemade Baby Wipes

Baby wipes can get expensive BUT you can make your own. You can even keep some of these in your car for sticky fingers.

To make homemade wipes you will need a roll of sturdy paper towels, baby oil, baby wash, and a deep Tupperware container. First you will need to cut the roll of paper towels in half. Then fill the Tupperware container half way with the baby oil and baby wash(make sure you don't put to much of either in, half of each should do). Then place the paper towels on top of the mixture and put the lid on the Tupperware container. Lastly, you will turn the Tupperware container over so it is upside-down so the mixture can soak down into the paper towels.

Tada!!! You have homemade paper towels.

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