Thursday, August 20

Homemade Butter in 5 Minutes!

No need to spend hours churning butter to have wonderful tasting homemade butter. Plus it is healthier than the kind you buy in stores.

All you need to make this butter is 16 oz of heavy cream(chilled), 1/2 tsp of salt, and a mixer(preferably a standing mixer but a hand mixer will work, the standing ones are just easier since you don't have to hold it).

Put the ingredients in your mixer and turn the mixer on to high. You will be going a step past whipped cream, the process will take about 3 minutes. It will then deflate and start to look like scrambled eggs. You will keep beating for a few more seconds and you will notice water start to separate from the butter(this is actually buttermilk and can be saved for later use if you want it).

Once the buttermilk has formed stop mixing. Remove the bowl from the mixer and fill the bowl with cold, running water. With your hands, squeeze the butter to form a ball. Keep massaging the ball under the cold water until the water runs clear. This insures that all the buttermilk has been removed, that way the butter will stay fresh longer.

Once your water runs clear wrap in parchment paper, or put into a small serving dish and cover it up. Then put it in the fridge. This is great tasting butter and it is fast to make. I highly recommend this butter!

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