Thursday, August 27

Homemade Edible Peanut Butter Play Doh!

This recipe isn't right for everyone, for instance for children who cannot have honey or peanut butter. This is very easy to make & much cheaper then buying play doh, whice you have to keep a close eye on your kids so they don't eat it.

For this you will need 1 c. of peanut butter, 1/2 c. of honey, and 1 & 1/2 c. of powdered milk. The next steps are very easy, mix all ingredients together and then form into balls. That's it. Now tell me that isn't easy enough for you to do so your child(ren) can have some fun, and you won't have to worry about them eating it.

This also can be used as a great 'candy' when you use peanut butter and powdered sugar.


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